Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Random Thoughts of Personal Treason

Sitting in the dark in the. Night thinking. Replaying every moment in my. Mind again. Silently I reconsider. Every second. I could have. Said something. Said something different. Instead. Paralyzed by something seemingly viral. Completely incapable of. Unable to find the appropriate. String of syllables. Again. Quiet in the. Night. Shackled in thought. Wanting something written. On a wall I once. Saw. But words remain. Elusive. Or blurred. And I cannot find my. Anything anymore. In this silent personal. Treason. Wanting to break. Glass again. Hear the crashing sound. Shattering on pitch instead of my. Own thoughts out of. Tune. Fragmented. Wanting to digest the pieces but the. Sharp edges are. Difficult to swallow.

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